Hannelore Hoger-搜索结果

  • 锲而不舍的雷妮·派克特 Die Unbezähmbare Leni Peickert


    导演:Alexander Kluge   编剧:亚历山大·克鲁格

    主演:Hannelore Hoger, Bernd Hoeltz, Nils von der Heyde, Sigi Graue

    Perplexed, The Indomitable Leni Peickert continues the slice-of-life tale of down-on-her-luck Peickert (Hannelore

  • 情感的力量 Die Macht der Gefühle


    导演:Alexander Kluge   编剧:亚历山大·克鲁格

    主演:Hannelore Hoger, Alexandra Kluge, Edgar M. Böhlke

      The Power of Emotion explains that emotion isn't to be confused with sentimentality. Emotion is ancient and more powerful than any art form. The film looks at young couples who run into difficulties as they try to translate their experiences of love into clear decision-making. A woman who has shot her husband provides a judge with a puzzle. Those who love can bring the dead bac...

  • 维利·陶普勒和第六舰队的灭亡 Willi Tobler und der Untergang der 6. Flotte


    导演:Alexander Kluge   编剧:亚历山大·克鲁格

    主演:Alfred Edel, Kurt Jürgens, Hark Bohm, Natalia Bowakow, Sabine, Steffi und Angela Skalla, Hannelore Hoger

      In the first century of the third millennium, a galactic civil war is raging between governments, industrial giants and space pirates. Run for your lives! The Big Mess features space captain Douglas, the pirate couple sterr, a space admiral and countless other characters trying to eke out a living in the cosmos. But whenever they get anywhere , they find they've been beaten to ...

  • 女爱国者 Die Patriotin


    导演:Alexander Kluge   编剧:亚历山大·克鲁格

    主演:Hannelore Hoger, Dieter Mainka, Alfred Edel, Alexander von Eschwege, Beate Holle, Marius Müller-Westernhagen

      The story of Gabi Teichert (played by Hannelore Hoger) who had already begun to dig around in search

  • 亨利四世 Henri 4

    类型:剧情片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Jo Baier   编剧:Cooky Ziesche, 乔·拜尔

    主演:Berglund, Julien Boisselier, Hannelore Hoger

      故事发生在1563年的法国,在新教徒和天主教徒之间,爆发了一场旷日持久的激烈战争。亨利(朱利安·波义塞利尔 Julien Boisselier 饰)身为新教首领,需要抵抗的是强大的皇太后凯瑟琳(桑德拉·惠勒 Sandra Hüller 饰)。为了平息战争,王室决定牺牲公主玛格丽特(阿赫麦勒·德意志 Armelle Deutsch 饰),将她许配给亨利。

  • 德国之秋 Deutschland im Herbst

    类型:剧情片电影, 纪录片电影

    导演:亚历山大·克鲁格, 沃尔克·施隆多夫, 赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德, Alf Brustellin, Bernhard Sinkel, 卡特娅·卢佩, Hans Peter Cloos, 爱德嘉·莱兹, Maximiliane Mainka, Peter Schubert   编剧:亚历山大·克鲁格, 沃尔克·施隆多夫, 赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德, Alf Brustellin, Bernhard Sinkel, 卡特娅·卢佩, Hans Peter Cloos, 爱德嘉·莱兹, 海因里希·伯尔, Peter Steinbach

    主演:Hannelore Hoger, Helmut Griem, Katja Rupé, Vadim Glowna, Angela Winkler, Heinz Bennent, Mario Adorf,

      1977年,一个商人被绑架后又被谋杀,杀他的是左翼的称为RAF的恐怖分子Armee Fraktion(红色帮派),他们绑架商人是为了试图以交换他们被抓的领导人。当诱拐的努力和一次劫持飞机相继努力失败后,RAF的3位非常杰出的领导人,安德烈亚斯巴德,古德兰·恩斯林和吉恩·卡尔泪谱,全部在监狱自杀。这3人实际上是被政府授命谋杀的。

  • 大混乱 Der große Verhau

    类型:喜剧片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:Alexander Kluge   编剧:亚历山大·克鲁格

    主演:Vinzenz Sterr, Maria Sterr, Sigi Graue, Henrike Fürst, Hayo von Zuendt, Silvia Forsthofer, Hark Bohm, Hannelore

      In the first century of the third millennium, a galactic civil war is raging between governments, industrial giants and space pirates. Run for your lives! The Big Mess features space captain Douglas, the pirate couple sterr, a space admiral and countless other characters trying to eke out a living in the cosmos. But whenever they get anywhere , they find they've been beaten to ...